​Martin Bengtsson
​Martin Bengtsson
Chairman of the Board since 2019 and member of the Board since 2012
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Chairman of Nomination Committee and member of Audit Committee

Born: 1970

Education and work experience: MSc in Economics and Business Administration. Previously Manager Business development at SIBA Aktiebolag, Country Manager at SIBA Aktiebolag, Danish branch and Investment Manager at SIBA Invest AB.

Other significant assignments: Chairman of the Board of SIBA Fastigheter AB. Board Member and CEO of SIBA Invest AB and Waldakt AB.

Shareholding (including related persons): 57,885,556 shares.

Independence: Not independent of the Company and its management, not independent of major shareholders of the Company.

Marita Odélius
Marita Odélius
Member of the Board since 2015
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Member of Corporate Governance Committee and Remuneration Committee

Born: 1961

Education and work experience: MSc in Economics and Business Administration. Authorised auditor. Previously CEO of Fora AB and CFO and Head of Process & Synergies, Skandia Nordic Group.

Other significant assignments: Board member of Solid Försäkringsaktiebolag and Movestic Liv och Pension.

Shareholding (including related persons): 23,407 shares.

Independence: Independent of the Company and its management and independent of major shareholders of the Company.

Ola Laurin
Ola Laurin
Member of the Board since 2024
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Born: 1971

Education and work experience: Trained Naval Officer and a master’s degree in business administration from the School of Business, Economics and Law at the University of Gothenburg. Former CEO of PayEx Group, head of Large Companies & Institutions at Swedbank and member of Swedbank Group Executive Management, and several assignments at Swedbank since 2000.

Other significant assignments: External advisor to Bain & Company, Chairman of the Advisory Board for Wellstreet’s FinTech Fund.

Shareholding (incl. holdings by related parties): 90,000

Independence: Independent of the Company and its management and independent of major shareholders of the Company.

Lars Nordstrand
Lars Nordstrand
Member of the Board since 2012
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Chairman of Corporate Governance Committee and member of Remuneration Committee

Born: 1951

Education and work experience: BSc, MSc in Economics and Business Administration. Previously CEO of Moderna Försäkringar Movestic Livförsäkring AB and Deputy CEO of Invik, major in the reserve.

Other significant assignments: Chairman of the Board of Solid Försäkringsaktiebolag, Akademikerförsäkring and Nordnet Pensionsförsäkring.

Shareholding (including related persons): 80,016 shares.

Independence: Independent of the Company and its management and independent of major shareholders of the Company.

Mikael Wintzell
Mikael Wintzell
Member of the Board since 2018
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Born: 1981

Education and work experience: Former Deputy Chief Commercial Officer at Klarna, Sales Director at Payex. Currently Founder and CEO at Wellstreet Group.

Other significant assignments: Board member of companies associated with Wellstreet Group.

Shareholding (including related persons): 519,500 shares.

Independence: Independent of the Company and management and independent of major shareholders.

Pia-Lena Olofsson
Pia-Lena Olofsson
Member of the Board since 2022
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Member of Corporate Governance Committee

Born: 1972

Education and professional experience: MBA, Gothenburg University, Executive MBA, Warwick University, UK and Funding and risk, London Business School. Former CFO at Visma AB, Collector AB (publ), Catena Media plc (publ) and different roles within Bure Equity AB (publ) and Citat AB.

Other significant appointments: CFO and Head of IR at Cibus Nordic Ream Estate AB (publ). Board member of companies within Cibus group.

Shareholding (including related persons): 4,870 shares

Independence: Independent in relation to the company and its management and the company’s major shareholders.

Harald Walden
Harald Walden
Member of the Board since 2024
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Born: 1975

Education and work experience: Master’s degree in Computer Science at Mälardalen University. Previously Head of Product at Stardoll, CTO and co-founder at Qliro AB (publ). Currently CTO Brite AB

Other significant assignments: No

Shareholding (including related persons): 17 750

Independence: Independent of the Company and its management and independent of major shareholders of the Company.