Resurs strengthens sustainability activities with Resurs Society

Resurs wants to contribute to a more sustainable society and a more responsible credit market. Resurs Society pools all of Resurs’s concrete measures, activities and investments to contribute to a sustainable development for customers, partners, the industry and society as a whole.

UN Principles for Responsible Banking

As part of integrating sustainability into the operations of our entire business, Resurs has signed the UN Principles for Responsible Banking. This ongoing commitment is fundamental in developing the company and Resurs will annually publish a progress report with the aim of being a transparent and responsible actor.

Nasdaq ESG Transparency Partner 2023

Resurs Holding has been certified as a Nasdaq ESG Transparency Partner 2023. The recognition is presented to companies with a high level of transparency to its investors when it comes to Environmental, Social and Governance issues (ESG).

Our commitments

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Sustainable Credit Lendning

Responsible credit lending involves a financial services offering that is sus­tainable both today and in the long term – for individuals, for Resurs and for society at large.

Social responsibility

Through partnership and social commitment, Resurs benefits society and offers the opportunity to have healthy personal finances, with a particular focus on supporting young people and new entrants to the labour market.


Ethical and Responsible Business

Resurs’s commitments on issues concerning accessibility, responsibility for the supply chain and customer communication, as well as cus­tomer privacy and anti-corruption are all gath­ered under the concept of Ethical and responsi­ble business.



As part of its efforts to be climate neutral in the future, Resurs works on active measures and influencing employees and customers to make climate-smart choices, for example through col­laborations with various partners.



For Resurs it is a given to offer an equal and healthy workplace characterised by many opportunities for individual professional development.

Policies and guidelines

The bank’s policy documents for internal governance and control are revised every year but can be adjusted more often when necessary. Here we present our policies and guidelines, some in whole and other in short abstracts.

Processing personal data at Resurs

Protecting personal information and the privacy of every customer is a natural part of all our customer relationships.

Our sustainability governance

Resurs has established a strategy and governance for ensuring that all parts of the operations assume responsibility in terms of business ethics, society and the environment.