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Resurs Society maximizes positive values for Resurs’s stakeholders

Resurs is a part of society and influences it. With this, comes responsibility. Resurs Society is part of raising the level of ambition as a social actor and maintaining a continued high pace in sustainability work.

Resurs Society pools all Resurs’s tangible investments to contribute to a sustainable development for customers, partners, the industry, and society as a whole. Resurs Society can be found on Resurs’s website. The interactive course My Economy, featuring information on savings, loans, insurance, budgeting, and repayment plans, can also be found on the website

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Resurs wants to:

  • Inspire others to make sustainable choices.
  • Encourage a sustainable lifestyle and enable people to make decisions that lead to a higher level of sustainability. This means that Resurs is actively looking at solutions for the development of future financing solutions.
  • Be a responsible company that supports customers, partners, and society. Resurs’s commitment to sustainability is a priority, with the objective of having a positive impact on its partners, customers, and society.

Sustainability efforts are to be integrated across the Resurs Group’s entire value chain with a focus on areas in which the Group can have the most impact toward long-term sustainable value creation for owners, customers, employees, investors and society at large.

Resurs Holding has signed the UN corporate sustainability initiative, the Global Compact, and has therefore committed to compliance with the ten principles that cover human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. Alongside the UN Sustainable Development Goals, Resurs Group’s Code of Conduct and Resurs Group’s guidelines and policies create the framework for the Group’s sustainability agenda.

Resurs’s responsibility

  • As an employer
    Resurs has zero tolerance for discrimination, and actively supports equal opportunity, equal treatment, diversity, a good work environment, development opportunities,
    involvement and a meaningful work life.
  • As a company in the region
    Resurs is dedicated to an inclusive society where everyone should have the opportunity to realise their potential. Resurs wants to contribute to health and active participation, and focuses on supporting young people and new entrants to the labour market.
  • As a company in the industry
    Resurs adopts a long-term approach and works responsibly, focusing on the customer. Environmental aspects and human rights are important areas that are considered in all decisions.

UN Principles for Responsible Banking

As part of integrating sustainability into the operations of our entire business, Resurs has signed the UN Principles for Responsible Banking. This ongoing commitment is fundamental in developing the company and Resurs will annually publish a progress report with the aim of being a transparent and responsible actor.

Read more about PRB


Global Compact

Resurs has been a signatory of the UN Global Compact and its ten principles since 2018.

Agenda 2030

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are the most ambitious agenda for sustainable development the world’s countries have ever adopted, and they exists to achieve four fantastic ideas by 2030: To eradicate extreme poverty. To reduce inequality and injustice in the world. To promote peace and justice. To solve the climate crisis. By achieving the SDGs, this could become reality.

Resurs works actively to support sustainable development according to the UN SDGs. The following six goals were identified as being possible for Resurs to affect and contribute to through its operations:

  • Goal 5 Gender equality
  • Goal 8 Decent work and economic growth
  • Goal 10 Reduced inequalities
  • Goal 12 Responsible consumption and production
  • Goal 13 Climate action
  • Goal 16 Peace, justice and strong institutions

Human rights

At Resurs, we follow international conventions on human rights and labour conventions. Resurs supports, for example, the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Labour Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals also provide us with a clear direction and objectives for human rights, labour conditions and equality. Our Code of Conduct clarifies the Group’s position on such issues as anti-discrimination, working conditions, forced labour, child labour, political activities, freedom of association and the right to collective agreements.

We support our employees’ right to freedom of association and collective bargaining in accordance with national laws and regulations. Our working hours, salaries and other employment conditions are in accordance with national and local law and the relevant ILO conventions.