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  • Public offer

    Information regarding public takeover bid from Ronneby UK Limited

    Share price - RESURS

Share price - RESURS

Resurs strengthens sustainability activities with Resurs Society

Resurs wants to contribute to a more sustainable society and a more responsible credit market. Resurs Society pools all Resurs’s concrete measures, activities and investments to contribute to a sustainable development for customers, partners, the industry and society as a whole.

Invest in Resurs

There are many good reasons to invest in Resurs, but we have highlighted three of the top ones.

Resurs history

Resurs is the result of the dreams and visions of a group of entrepreneurs. Take part of the journey Resurs made from 1977 to the present day.

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Sustainable Credit Lendning

Resurs is to offer financial services that are sustainable both today and in the long term – for individuals, for Resurs and for society at large.


For Resurs, it is a matter of course to offer an equal opportunity, healthy workplace characterised by many opportunities for individual professional development.

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